Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Fleischmann

Great to see and hear you on the video. Hope that continues.

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Thanks, Pat! It has been a lot of fun. Definitely plan to keep it up 😀

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I'd also be excited about a waterslide! Very cool about the excavations at Bilsk, too. I know some of it was excavated years ago, but it's huge and I'm glad they're still finding interesting Scythian-related stuff there. And I call bs on that Neolithic seal. No matter how hard you squint, that's never gonna be horned animal heads. Sometimes I think archaeologists just make stuff up because they can :-\

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Haha, yeah I've wondered the same thing 😀 Happens all the time with cave paintings — "This blob here is a [insert way-too-specific type of animal]".

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