Very cool about Nefertiti (if it is her mummy)! That's definitely one to watch... I'm also curious to see what they find regarding the development of agriculture from hunting-gathering, mostly because I remember saying once (as a horse trainer) that it would have made more sense for early people to domesticate animals first because it's much easier than grains, and my professor told me (in a nice way) that that was stupid. Would be fun to right for once, haha ;-)

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Haha, you'll have to send that study to your professor so they can eat some humble pie! And yeah, super interesting about Nefertiti — Hawass seems weirdly confident about it.

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My goodness, such a dream find, the Nefertiti mummy. Very excited for more news. Also, am a recent subscriber and am really enjoying these posts. Thank you, James!

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Right? Super interesting! And thanks - I'm really glad you've been enjoying it 😀

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