Researchers Investigate the Use of Color at Çatalhöyük — Çatalhöyük is a truly remarkable settlement that existed from roughly 7500 BCE to 6400 BCE. A team of researches recently announced that the layers of paint within the homes may correspond with the number of bodies interred within, indicating that this culture may have repainted their walls whenever a loved on died. This provides a new lens into this ancient culture’s burial practices and spiritual beliefs.
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🧐 ROTA #4 — Çatalhöyük, human brain…
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Researchers Investigate the Use of Color at Çatalhöyük — Çatalhöyük is a truly remarkable settlement that existed from roughly 7500 BCE to 6400 BCE. A team of researches recently announced that the layers of paint within the homes may correspond with the number of bodies interred within, indicating that this culture may have repainted their walls whenever a loved on died. This provides a new lens into this ancient culture’s burial practices and spiritual beliefs.